Neurodivergent Breakfast Ideas

Oct 22, 2023
Neurodivergent Breakfast Ideas

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of making a nutritious breakfast for yourself or your autistic child? You're in the right place! Whether you're dealing with allergies, sensory issues, picky eating, or are desperate for improving digestion, this post outlines 10 easy breakfast ideas for autism and ADHD.

Why is breakfast important for autistic and ADHD people?

We've all heard the saying "breakfast is the most important meal of the day." But I disagree! All meals are equally important, especially if you're dealing with disordered eating or an eating disorder. What we eat has a massive impact on the state of our nervous system, our mental health, our ability to concentrate, and our energy levels. Neurodivergent folx tend to struggle in these areas, making nutrition even more essential.

Why is breakfast difficult for autistic and ADHD people?

It's one thing to know healthy eating is important, but a whole nother to actually execute! There are several reasons autistic people and ADHDers may have a hard time eating breakfast, including:

  1. Difficulty sensing hunger cues and not feeling hungry in the morning
  2. Executive functioning difficulties
  3. Sensory sensitivities can lead to what many people perceive as "picky" eating
  4. Fear of consequences after eating, such as digestive issues, or in the case of ARFID, other food-related traumas
  5. Eating disorders can lead to procrastinating mealtimes

No matter what you're going through though, it is 100% possible to achieve your unique state of health, and below recipes are here to help. If you want even more healthy meal ideas for autism, my cookbook Nourishing Neurodiversity contains over 50 plant-based recipes! In it, you'll also find tips on how to support mental health, gut health, and improve executive functioning.

10 healthy autism and ADHD breakfast ideas

1. Cereal (hot or cold)

Cereal has been recognized as a healthy breakfast for centuries, and for good reason! Whether you choose hot cereal (such as oatmeal or porridge made from other grains) or cold cereal, a cereal breakfast can be customized to meet sensory needs and meet nutritional goals. My favorite breakfast cereal recipe combines oats, cauliflower rice, Nuzest Clean Lean Protein, and plant-based milk for a base that contains fiber, veggies, and plant-based protein! You can also add flax or chia seeds to add omega-3 fats, which support brain health. Top it off with your favorite fruit and nut or seed butter for a well-rounded breakfast that ticks all the nutrient boxes :)

Pictured Left: Vanilla Cauliflower Protein Oats from my cookbook topped with blueberries and almond butter. Pictured Right: and a bowl of bran flakes with banana, blueberries, almonds, and soy milk.

2. Smoothie (bowl or drink!)

Ice cream for breakfast anyone? Smoothie bowls are one of my favorite ways to pack in loads of nutrition without even tasting the "healthy" ingredients ;) My go to is a blend of frozen fruit and veggies, flax or chia seeds, Nuzest Clean Lean Protein, and milk of choice until thick and creamy. Transfer to a bowl or glass and top with your favorite toppings! I love the sensory contrast of a creamy smoothie with crunchy granola. You can find the recipe for both my banana berry smoothie bowl and sweet potato smoothie bowl (pictured below) in my cookbook Nourishing Neurodiversity.

Pictured: Banana Berry Smoothie Bowl and Sweet Potato Smoothie Bowl from my cookbook.

3. Toast or sandwich (sweet or savory)

Another classic with endless variations! While bread has been demonized in our diet-culture-infested society, there's a reason some of the healthiest countries eat bread daily: it's an excellent source of carbohydrates, one of our body's main fuel sources! In fact, the human brain depends on glucose for fuel, making adequate carbohydrate intake exponentially essential for folx on the neurodivergent spectrum. Top your bread (toasted or untoasted) with a mix of protein (greek yogurt, eggs, deli meats, cheese, etc), fats (nut or seed butters, avocado, butter, etc) and vitamins (veggies, fruit, or this 2-ingredient chia jam from my cookbook) for a well-rounded breakfast.

Pictured Left: Toast with Greek yogurt, 2-ingredient chia jam from my cookbook, and a drizzle of creamy peanut butter. Right: bagel with butter, a veggie burger, and lettuce and tomato.

4. Pancakes & waffles (homemade or frozen)

To me, nothing screams breakfast as much as a plate of pancakes or waffles😍 I love to batch prep my 3-ingredient pancakes (vegan and gluten-free) and freeze them so I have a healthy breakfast ready to go in minutes. Alternatively, you can turn the pancake recipe into waffles to switch up the sensory profile while maintaining the trust and familiarity of the same ingredients. However, frozen pancakes and waffles can be just as good an option! Whatever floats your executive functioning boat, go for it!

Pictured Left: 3-ingredient Plantain Flour Pancakes from my cookbook, topped with fresh berries, soy Greek yogurt, and a drizzle of creamy peanut butter. Right: same recipe in waffle format!

5. Mug cake

Honestly, no day goes by without a mug cake for me :) Made in the microwave or oven, you can have your own personal cake ready in just 5 minutes! Packed with fiber, plant protein, and brain-boosting fats, mug cakes will become your new favorite breakfast treat! You can find several mug cake recipes in Nourishing Neurodiversity.

Pictured Left: Double Chocolate Mug Cake. Right: White Chocolate Mug Cake. (Both recipes in my cookbook.)

6. Muffins + Other Baked Goods

The biggest difference between a mug cake and muffins or loaf cakes is that mug cakes are single-serve, while muffins and loaves are easier to batch prep! You can easily freeze muffins or cake slices and then pop in the microwave for a quick breakfast throughout the week. I love pairing my Blueberry Crumble Muffins with some peanut butter for healthy fats, and a side of scrambled eggs or Greek yogurt for protein!

Pictured Left: Lemon Poppyseed Loaf Cake. Right: Blueberry Crumble Muffins. (Both recipes in my cookbook.)

7. Energy bars and bites

Energy bars and protein bars aren't just great for snacks, they also make for an ideal grab-and-go breakfast! Unfortunately, many store-bought bars are filled with additional ingredients that don't always agree with sensitive bodies, which is why I teach you how to make them at home in my cookbook!

Pictured Left: Vegan Funfetti Protein Bars. Right: Carrot Cake Bliss Balls. (Both recipes in my cookbook.)

8. Yogurt bowl

Another classic that's infinitely customizable :) Simply start with a base of your favorite yogurt and top with carbs, fats, and fruit. Some of my favorite toppings are:

  • Sweet potato with nut/seed butter and blueberries
  • Granola with nuts/seeds and banana
  • Crumbled muffin w/ strawberries and whipped cream

9. Sweet Potato (Two Ways!)

Sweet potato is such a versatile and nutritious food, which is why I love using it as a base for different meals! As mentioned above, you can put sweet potato on top of yogurt for a sweet potato yogurt bowl situation, but you can also make a stuffed sweet potato, by putting the yogurt in the potato itself! In my cookbook, I call this recipe "productive toast." Why? Because you use the sweet potato as the "toast," and since the recipe is filled with nutritious ingredients, it will help you be extra productive! Instead of sweet potato, you could also use pumpkin or squash. You could also always go savory by pairing the sweet potato with eggs, avocado, and your favorite veggies.

Another one of my favorite ways to use sweet potatoes is to make a Creamy Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl. All you'll need is sweet potatoes, Nuzest Clean Lean Protein Powder, and some plant-based milk. When you blend these ingredients in the ratios outlined in Nourishing Neurodiversity, you get the creamiest breakfast bowl that tastes like sweet potato pie! 

Pictured Left: Sweet potato stuffed with Greek yogurt, 2-ingredient chia jam, and topped with a drizzle of creamy almond butter. Right: Creamy Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl made from perfectly baked Japanese sweet potatoes. (All recipes in my cookbook!)

10. Cookies and brownies

...for BREAKFAST? Heck yes! The Sweet Potato Brownies in my cookbook require just 4 ingredients: sweet potato, cocoa powder, nut/seed butter, and a bit of maple syrup for a treat that's not only delicious, but provides you with energy to start your day on a sweet note! In Nourishing Neurodiversity, you'll also find the recipe for Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies that are packed with protein and fiber.

Pictured Left: Sweet Potato Brownies. Right: Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies. (Both recipes in my cookbook.)

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