Digestive Issues in Eating Disorder Recovery + Extreme Hunger Course PREVIEW!

Season #2 Episode #22

Digestive issues are one of the most painful parts of recovery! Not only do they cause incredible discomfort, but GI issues can be embarrassing and downright inconvenient! When you commit to full recovery and start honoring your extreme hunger, a LOT of bodily changes will occur. Most often, this comes with weight gain, but there are COUNTLESS other changes that we cannot see as clearly on the outside; digestive issues being one of them!

Module 7 of my course Extremely Hungry to Completely Satisfied is all about other bodily changes that occur as a result of your body healing itself. I cover the science behind why digestive issues occur, how to heal digestive distress (including tangible tips for providing INSTANT relief), and other physical and emotional changes that occur as a result of hormones. 

In this episode, I am giving you a preview of my extreme hunger course by sharing a snippet of one of the presentations in the course! This presentation specifically, is about Digestive Issues in ED Recovery. You'll learn:

  • Why you experience bloating, nausea, cramping, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and/or acid reflux in ED recovery
  • The concept of energy conservation in relation to digestive processes
  • How extreme hunger contributes to digestive distress
  • How to strengthen your digestive system in ED recovery
  • The role of your gut microbiome in aiding healthy digestion
  • Why you may experience IBS when honoring extreme hunger
  • The power of the gut-brain connection
  • The relationship between your nervous system and digestive system
  • How to get into rest & digest mode
  • Why you may experience acid reflux & other symptoms of GERD in ED recovery

👉🏻 If you want to get the FULL course experience and HEAL your body in every way possible, enroll in my course Extremely Hungry to Completely Satisfied: 

I am so confident that this course is exactly what you need to achieve a life of freedom, that I offer a 100% satisfaction risk-free guarantee. Meaning, if you go through the course, put in the work, and don’t get any results? I’ll give you a FULL REFUND, no questions asked. So truly, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

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