Extreme hunger while being weight restored? Listen to this!

Season #3 Episode #41

Do you feel like you can’t have extreme hunger because you’re not underweight? I GET IT. I’ve been exactly where you are. In fact, my extreme hunger didn’t start until after I was deemed weight restored! Because I was at a healthy weight, I thought my body was broken. I thought I had done recovery "wrong," that I had gained weight "incorrectly," and I was going to gain weight forever if I gave into my extreme hunger at this point in my eating disorder recovery journey. Rest assured, extreme hunger did end and in fact, honoring it and going into overshoot was a key part of me achieving full recovery after a long battle with anorexia, orthorexia, and exercise bulimia. It was scary as hell, and that’s why I’m sharing this podcast with you today. You'll learn:

  •  Why you have extreme hunger without being underweight
  •  How to know if you're truly weight restored
  •  The difference between "weight restored" and "health restored"
  •  The role of energy deficit and energy debt in eating disorder recovery
  •  Why you should aim to overshoot your pre-eating disorder weight

📚 Grab your copy of How to Beat Extreme Hunger
🍩 Enroll in my course, Extremely Hungry to Completely Satisfied
📝 Read the blog post of this episode

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