The Reason Why Your Extreme Hunger is NOT Binge Eating Disorder

Season #1 Episode #11

Are you afraid that you're "swinging to the other side" and developing binge eating disorder after a restrictive eating disorder such as anorexia or orthorexia? You're not alone, and you have nothing to be ashamed of. One of the most common fears in ED recovery is the fear that honoring extreme hunger will lead you to become addicted to food and thus, become a binge eater. This is definitely a fear I had! In this episode of the Liv Label Free Podcast, you'll learn the key difference between extreme hunger and binge eating disorder so you can embark on the recovery path that's right for you.

Key Topics Discussed:

  •  Why you may think you are becoming a binge eater after a restrictive eating disorder
  •  The 5 criteria for Binge Eating Disorder (BED) according to the DSM-5
  •  The defining criteria that differentiates extreme hunger from binge eating disorder
  •  What energy deficit and energy debt have to do with overeating
  •  Why you crave high-calorie foods in anorexia recovery

📚 Grab your copy of How to Beat Extreme Hunger
🍩 Enroll in my course, Extremely Hungry to Completely Satisfied
📝 Read the blog post of this episode

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