The Biological Importance of Honoring your Extreme Hunger

Season #1 Episode #10

Are you or a loved one currently experiencing extreme hunger in eating disorder recovery? While incredibly scary, honoring your extreme hunger, including mental extreme hunger, is a critical aspect of the anorexia recovery process. This episode of the Liv Label Free Podcast dives deep into the science of extreme hunger so you can understand why your body desperately needs an incredible number of calories to fully recover from your eating disorder!

Key Topics Covered:

  • What is extreme hunger in eating disorder recovery?
  • Biological reasons people with a history of restriction, such as anorexia or bulimia, experience extreme hunger
  • Why you experience extreme hunger while being weight restored
  • What to do if experiencing extreme hunger without being underweight
  • How to recognize different types of extreme hunger in ED recovery, including mental hunger, eating-induced hunger, and exercise hunger

📚 Grab your copy of How to Beat Extreme Hunger
🍩 Enroll in my course, Extremely Hungry to Completely Satisfied
🌱 Use this code for a discount on Nuzest Plant-Based Protein Powder
🫶 Schedule a consultation call for 1-1 coaching here
📝 Read the blog post of this episode

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