Communication secrets for autistic people with eating disorders and demand avoidance (Q&A with my mom Part 2)

Season #8

My mom is back for part 2 of our Q&A on autism and eating disorders! In today’s episode, we delve into the unique challenges faced by families when it comes to communication when dealing with autism and eating disorders. You’ll learn:

  •  Tips to communicate with an autistic person struggling with food
  •  How to build a safe and trusting environment in ED recovery
  •  The guilt that accompanies going against treatment recommendations
  •  How parents can encourage a sense of autonomy in their autistic child
  •  Providing mealtime support during panic attacks
  •  The importance of regulating your own nervous system as a parent or caregiver of an autistic child with an eating disorder
  •  Shifting labels such as non-compliant, treatment-resistant, and manipulative to a last-ditch effort to claiming autonomy
  •  How hardships can help us find our purpose in life
  •  Trusting your parental instincts when professional treatment is causing harm

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